August 04, 2006

15 Minutes of Shame

OK, the problem isn't that there is poop on the floor...although good golly gawd, there's POOP on the floor! That isn't a problem because I can tell that her diaper was carefully removed before the pooping happened and we are beginning to potty train.. so it's a good thing she knows before she poops that she's gonna poop. Plus she came up and told me it had happened. We will gloss over the part where I brush her off as she has been saying poop all the time recently, and yucky is usually somewhere in every sentence now-days. No, the problem is that it appears as if the poo was..... snacked on a bit. A wee little poo snack.

The dogs are outside for the rest of the day.


Life Is Good said...

Uh, thanks for sharing?

See, I told you she was smarter than you think! hee hee!

Davinie Fiero said...


The Writer said...

I knew that girl was up to something. It's official, she's running circles around you!