July 05, 2008

After the Parade

We snuck off to the huge Fourth celebration at Drake Park in Bend. It was so awesome! SO many vendors and fun crafty booths.. SO much awesome food, SO much for the kids to do! Raegan and Corbin even waited very patiently in line for over an HOUR to get their faces painted. They had such a blast!
After taking Corbin home that afternoon we had a quick siesta at the house with dinner then it was off to the Deschutes County Fairgrounds to watch the evening fireworks! We parked in the very back of the fairgrounds area, away from everyone else.... and about 300 feet from where they light off the fireworks display! It was awesome being so close. Loud, but Raegan didn't seem to mind. The kids and I climbed on top of the ven ( with me carefully perched on a support beam) and watched the whole thing. It was a blast, realy a good time. However, since we were in the very back of the lot, it took us FOREVER to get out of there as every other person in town was in front of us leaving out of one of the two exits. It took us more then an hour to get home ( about 3 miles) but the kids fell asleep as soon as we buckled them into their carseats so it was still a great idea to have gone. We plan to do so again next year!
This year was one of the funnest Fouth of July celebrations we've ever had. Both kids were old enough to really enjoy all the entertainment offered to them, and that was just so cool! I love that they are getting older and more able to play with their Mama. Next year I'm hoping to find some way to organize a BBQ at my home, and duplicate the rest of this experience around that with fun literally ALL day ( although all of us took a quick nap and all of us really needed it this year!)

Anyway, I hope your 4th celebrations were fun! I know ours were!
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