July 05, 2008

4th of July; The Parade

We had SUCH a full day on the 4th! We were and out the door early to catch the parade, snatching our buddy Corbin on the way. We got a great spot just a few blocks into the beginning of things and the kids made out like bandits in the candy department! They each got more candy ( and ice cold water bottles, stuffed animals, etc. ) then the two got combined on Halloween. We've never managed to get to the front of the parade before and it was quite the treat to be able to participate that way! Every wave got a huge handful of candy tossed out way ( Kael got very excited about waving when he figured that out). Raegan and Corbin were very good kids, sitting in their seats till I told them they could hop down to collect some candy, and staying close when they did so. Kael even got into the action a bit and snagged himself some awesome lollipops! Which, of course, he promptly ate ( we were making the other two wait) so he was on an absurd sugar high for most of the day. The weather was also just as about perfect as it could get. Just a comfortable warm, a little breeze to keep you dry, and a little sun to keep you warm. Really probably the funnest time we've ever had at a parade. Downer? Can't find the memory card for the big camera ( I think I know of two little turds who may have "hidden" it) . The whole day was documented on the little one, which just isn't as fun so I ended up taking less photos overall. Oh well, the day was awesome in memory!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds fun! i love parades! nice 'hawk on the boy, by the way!