October 22, 2007

Quip; True Story

So we took our weekly pilgrimage to Wally World today, loaded the cart up with perishables, then announced to the public local that we HAD TO GO PEE AND POOP. Ok that was Raegan doing all of the announcing, but still. The pee and the poop; it must happen.

So I park my cart in an empty check-out and, with 33 pound son on one hip and feces-full and squirming daughter holding a hand, head over to the restrooms. We are turning the corner to enter the much desired room when a thousand year old curmudgeon bars our way with his mop.

"Bathrooms are closed. No one goes in." blabs the crotchety old janitor.
"Um, well, can we use the Mens' room?"
"No. Mens' rooms are for men. You'll have to wait. " the crusty, ill-tempered fart continues.

" Ok. Well, you can mop while we use the potty in the ladies room or you can mop her pee right here off of this floor. Your choice. She's three and can't hold it."

He let us in.

I never manage a quip. I stutter and leave. This was awesome and quite a first for me.


The Writer said...

Yay for your witty, well-placed and snappy comeback!

The pride I feel is overwhelming!

alyca said...

Good for you!! No, a 3 year old CAN'T hold it while the floor dries. I too always think of the perfect comeback AFTER the fact. Must feel nice to get one out on time

Life Is Good said...

You go girl!

Why is that most janitors are grumpy old men?

Hmmm...maybe it is their lack of people skills...

Eskimo said...

Mom 1 - Janitor 0!