September 03, 2007

Score: Mama~1, Raegan~0

So I got in a fight with my almost 3 year old this morning ( side note, she WILL have a party this year! I don't know when, or where, but damn it, we had to skip #2 and there is NO WAY I'll skip this one!). It was a big fight. I won, but barely.

She peed on the floor. Walked into the bathroom. Stood next to the toilet. And peed. Just like that.

I have been cleaning up messes in that bathroom for weeks now but I had just assumed it was "spill over" from an improper dangle. These toilet seats are longer then normal and I've caught her sitting too close to the edge.. Well now the secret is out. It isn't spill over. It isn't an accident. That little turd was PEEING on the floor for FUN.

I. Don't. Think. So.

Much loud voices. I was all "what in God's name are you DOING??!!" and she was all "OOP! I don't know! I don't know!" and I was all "Did you just PEE on my FLOOR??" and she was all "I don't know! I don't know!" ( and yet... she scooted the towel off of the counter and plopped it into the pool of urine-y goodness... do you think she really didn't know why she was in trouble?) And I was all "Shame on you, Raegan. You are supposed to be a BIG girl. BIG girls don't PEE on my FLOOR." and then I got to feel all like shit as she started in with the wailing. The crying. Good gawd, the SCREAMING!!!

I stripped off all of her clothes ( her PJ's were wet at the hem, and she hadn't bothered to remove her panties for her desecration of the floor... which explains the growing pile of dirties in her laundry basket...) handed her weeping self a CLEAN towel, sprayed the entire room down with Sol-U-Mel disinfectant-yet-child-safe cleaner, and told her to go to work. Wipe up your mess. Clean up ALL of the wet in the room.

Oh, the weeping.

I sat outside the door with my coffee ( Kael and Matt making themselves scarce) and relaxed. Just sat there. She wept. She moaned....... she wiped up the floor. I sprayed it down again, handed her a new towel, and told her to get to work again. The hysterics. The screaming. The wiping down....

When it was clean I asked for an apology. She refused. Flat refused.

We went up to her room, lay her down on the floor, and put a diaper on her.

A diaper.

Oh, the humiliation. She was told that if she was going to act like a baby, she was to be treated like a baby. Babies pee on the floor so we put them in diapers.

It took her a full ten minutes of all-out tantrum before she came up to me, snotty faced and red, and apologised. For "making mess" on the bathroom floor. We hugged, took off the diaper, put on princess panties, and went on with our morning. Seeing her, you'd think nothing had happened.

Worst hour ever. EVER. But! No one was spanked. No one ( OK, well I didn't, anyway ) lost their temper.

And in the end, I got an apology, a spotless bathroom, and a little girl who has found one line she doesn't want to cross.


alyca said...

Good job, mama! Sounds like you did everything right!! I wouldn't have done a thing different. I think you really did a nice job on this one. She won't pee on the floor in the near future, I am thinking...

(hey, the word verification I have to type in is bwahaha. Kinda funny)

Kate said...

I hear ya! We've had this issue too.

Life Is Good said...

Sounds like you da man woman!

Definately spanking is not always the answer!

The Writer said...

I like it!! A very effective way to deal with that situation.

Also, way proud that you sat outside the room and drank your coffee! That's way disciplinarian mama!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOoooo proud of you!
Kids are WAY smarter than we give them credit for!
Way to go in acting on it!!
( moms are smarter, too!)

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time spanking now that Mega is potty trained. Before, it was a quick pop on the butt and it got his attention because of the sound more than the "Ow!" sensation. Without the cushion, I'm skerd!

I know a few other moms who encountered it. They said the pediatricians chalked it up to control issues as a toddler. Go figure...

Sounds like you handled this very well. :-)