These last few days have been just stupid-hot. Hot hot. I mean HAWT!! And I? I live in the housing equivilant of a wine box. Which means that... It's gettin' hot in here.
We finally broke out the " air conditioner" lovingly provided by our landlord. A stunning 1976 model "AirTemp". Yes, the air is cold when it leaves the unit.. and for like 18 inches from the face it is STILL cool.. But that air. It has an odor. Like patchouli.. and wet cat... and gym sock.
But it helps. The house is perhaps three WHOLE degrees cooler then it is outside & darn it, I intend to keep it that way! All openings to the outside are sealed from 5am till 7 or 8pm. Keepin' my cold air IN, darn it!
And. Because I've got class. Here's a shot of my windows.
Soon. Soon, I'll be breaking out the tinfoil.
Ooh.....tinfoil. Nice. Start walking around with no bra and a wifebeater on. And let your kids run around in public with no clothes on. Gotta complete the image.
Could you possibly spring for a VW van????
Kids in nothing but diapers/panties.. check.
flappy braless tank top.... check
Broke down van in the driveway... check
no wading pool so fun in the big tote in the yard with the hose... check
Image complete? Check.
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