August 04, 2006

Stinky Pete

This year at the fair Daddy was in charge of picture-taking. Raegan was finally old enough to toss onto a horse so we located the nearest Stinky-Pete and tossed her on. ( yes, that is the horses name.) She had SUCH fun! She giggled and cried "again" the whole time, so we ended up getting quite a long ride as the folks running the show thought she was mighty cute. Which she is.

Meanwhile, Kael made a stinky-pete of his own.
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Amber said...

Cute pics there! And Kael is already getting so big!

Pixie said...

OH, how, cute, she's adorable...Kael is getting big, he's really cute!

The Writer said...

I'm digging the fact that she likes the ponies as much as Corb does.

Although he usually does this funny rocking thing in an effort to make the pony go faster!