May 13, 2005

Like A Poke in the Eye With A Sharp Dirty Stick...

Alyca has a secret and she won't tell me. I haven't been able to sleep. I have a thing for secrets. Even the smallest, stupidest secret holds a perverse fascination for me. OK, I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but you get the idea. And, contrary ( another funny spelled word ) to popular belief, I CAN keep a secret. I have many in my collection. BUT, If I know something, like what you're getting for Christmas, ( not technically not a secret, just something not generally revealed) DO NOT ask me what it is UNLESS you WANT to KNOW!! I WILL TELL YOU.
Come On, Alyca.. tell me the secret
You KNOW you want to...

1 comment:

alyca said...

It is extremely small and of no consequence to you. Really. You won't even care. You will be so let down, you will be mad at me for even saying that I have a secret.