July 02, 2008

Saturday We Went to the Beach

As a side note, Raegans hands just fascinate me. So tiny and delicate. Holding her hand just makes me happy, it's just so amazing to have her tiny little fingers wrapping around mine. And seeing her use her hands? To find things and make things and pick things up, etc? I don't know what it is, but it's like seeing a miracle. I know she's almost four, but she is just so... so.... Raegan. My tiny little girl. Kael is the baby, but he's also the moose. I'm awed by the brute force that is my son. But Raegan? She's the kind of girl that makes me believe that fairies do exist.

Forgetting the good camera and losing the battery power on the little one, I only got these few photos. But we did build a sand castle or two, found some awesome shells, harassed some sea anemones, did some spelunking, and in general had a blast by the water. Sand everywhere. Totally worth the itching and mess.
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