July 17, 2008

Leave Request

With a total of 7 days granted in the last 4 years, I think I have invested enough time in this business to have earned a day off.

I would like to take this time to officially request 24 hours of peace and quiet. No fighting. No hitting or hair pulling. No climbing on the counters. No throwing things or eating things or breaking things that aren't yours. Put the cat down. Stop. No. No no no no no.

The insane jealousy I feel toward those that have a grandparent or other able caretaker to drop their children off at for overnight stays borders on hatred today. I'm not the best person to call for a chipper conversation.

And that is my update.


Anonymous said...

I sympathasize with you. We too, live far away from family. Granted, you have double the kids and double the years on me. But still, a break would be NICE.

alyca said...

The lack of ANYONE family related ANYWHERE within a 3+ hour drive is one reason we have held off on having kids. I value my sleep. VEEEEERRRY much.

Just think about how cute your kids are. Felma here at work is especially enamored with Raegan. She goes on and on about how adorable she is. Just think about that.

Sabrina said...

This is where I debate with myself weather or not to tell you that I spend a good 2 hours online last night looking at rentals in Pierce and King county, dreaming in my head about dropping the kidlets off at their Aunt Alycas house for Friday night sleepovers, or weekend camping trips with their Papa. Alas, housing is very much more expensive in that area ( unless you're in south Tacoma. but i don't think i could justify trading quiet safe Redmond for midnight shootouts down the block)

alyca said...

I would TOTALLY have your kids for a night. That is one (1) night. Not weeks. And I might have to bring them back to you if they are noisy. But I would totally enjoy some babysitting duties. And there is a wading pool across the street from my house that is filled with water any day the temp reaches 75 degrees outsite. And a community center with a pool. And lots of fun kid things. And we are in a condo/apartment building boom with a gazillion of them being built, and no one renting so they offer fancy incentives to move in. In case you were wondering. And MICROSOFT is up here, so tech jobs galore. And the recession hasn't hit here as hard as other places, so jobs still pay well.

Sabrina said...

It's been discussed. I'd love love love to come back. But that's what we do; things aren't all sunshine and rainbows so we move. We can NOT keep doing that! That said, Matt should be done with school in the spring. I won't be pregnant in the spring. And maybe, if he plays his cards right, he can get on at "his" hotel heading before he left ( as far as we can see, they never did put together a local network guy ). So we'll see.