My wee little Moose, Kael has become quite the man about the house. And CUTE!! He's constantly making me laugh. Basketball hoops have become "soccer-holes". He's grasped Mom's put-off tactics and reminds me regularly that "Some day we'll have some cake, OK? Some day!" He's a fabulous little helper and is the first to help clean up or put something away if I've asked properly. He has "Please" and" Thank You" down pat and uses them regularly, even if it is to scream at me" MORE warm milk PLEASE!!!!" from the top of his lungs. He is also the craftiest, sneakiest, smartest little booger I've ever come across. There is NO child-safety anything that he can't open. We've turned all door locks inside out and he still manages to find tools to unlock them from the outside. He can and does climb everything with much glee and cheering from the top, be it the kitchen table or the counter top. He has Raegan completely figured out and the two of them take turns blaming their crimes on each other, not that it works because when in doubt, both kids get in trouble. Which they don't seem to mind because hey, at least they are together, right? He insists on a goodnight book, big hug, little hug, and kiss, and always, always, always shares the sweetest "I love you, Mommie" before going to sleep. He melts my heart even as he tries my patience, and I wouldn't change a thing about him. He's my little man, growing up right in front of my eyes. Happy Birthday Kael. Your Mama loves you!
It was a Harley Davidson cake. Kael is completely obsessed with motorcycles and bikes now-days. But having a Harley cake... it just seemed disloyal. So we changed it to a Red Soul cake. And it was gooooooood.
It's a noise maker, but Raegan decided it was called a "trouble maker". So that's what they are. Forever. Because that's stinkin' funny.
A little man and his curly straw; the love affair. ( We still have that straw. He insists we use it during dinner-water. )
Are these pics from his actual birthday, or from the 1st??
Looks like he did a real number on that cake!
I totally forgot to give you his Bday gifts in Portland...the Fiero's are transporting them for well as Kael's coat
What is disloyal about Harleys?
Aww! Happy birthday Kael!
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