January 13, 2008

A Wee Bit Indecent

Lust. I am absolutely and positively lusting after these Graydog crochet hooks. It's sinful. It's wrong. And I don't care.

I've been passing a lot of time with my crochet projects lately. I've graduated from dishrags ( although they are still my go-to project) and on to hats. Lynlee has passed on some really fun patterns and I seem to have grown quite the obsession. Every store I go into, I have to fondle and sniff all the yarns available. I've become quite the yarn snob. I've joined and frequently visit several online crochet forums. I spend hours browsing through hook and yarn stores online.

In short, I'm addicted, and what a wonderful addiction it is! Plus, like the pusher I am, I've gotten friends addicted as well! Nothing says "true solid friendship" like hours of complete silence with your buddy on the couch beside you, crocheting away. And loving every minute of it.

Plus, how beautiful are these hooks??!! In themselves, intricate works of art.

This addiction could get quite expensive! But hey, at least I'm not snorting crack-cocaine, right?

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Pixie said...

Wow, I love these hooks...They're so pretty. --It certainly makes my gear look dull and out-dated. LOL Hope you're enjoying all your projects...I especially love the hats.

alyca said...

Are you SURE you are not smoking crack?? 'Cause you kinda sound like it here.....

AND...not that I have a ton of spare time or a serious dishrag/hat shortage, but I would love to learn to crochet. You must teach me next time we get together.

Eskimo said...

I am LOVING those colours!!!