November 27, 2007


Raegan taught me a lesson in sharing today as she sat with wee little Linclon, my daycare/doula baby, and read him her favorite book. He seemed to appreciate it and paid attention to each and every page.
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Anonymous said...

How sweet!
Just shows she is a lot like her Mama,she has a big heart too!

Life Is Good said...

That is so sweet!

The Writer said...

That's my girl. Well, not really, she's your girl. But she's maybe a little bit mine since I've known her since she was a wee sprout and she's made messes on me and in my house. In that regard, that boy that's mine? He's a little bit yours too. Wow. We have a lot of kids!

The Writer said...

Oh and by the way his name is spelled L-i-n-c-o-l-n.

I don't even know what a linclon is.

Life Is Good said...

ooh ooh ooh! Thank you so much for a new nickname for the boy....linclon..LOVE IT!!!!!!