October 30, 2007
October 29, 2007
Again at the Patch for Some Pumpkin Pickin'.
Much excitement ensues.
Posing for the perfect pumpkin patch pictures is voted out.
Pictures of pumpkin perfection ( as viewed by toddlers the world over because duh.. they are big.) are loaded, as are the expert judges, and home we went!
October 24, 2007
October 22, 2007
Quip; True Story
So I park my cart in an empty check-out and, with 33 pound son on one hip and feces-full and squirming daughter holding a hand, head over to the restrooms. We are turning the corner to enter the much desired room when a thousand year old curmudgeon bars our way with his mop.
"Bathrooms are closed. No one goes in." blabs the crotchety old janitor.
"Um, well, can we use the Mens' room?"
"No. Mens' rooms are for men. You'll have to wait. " the crusty, ill-tempered fart continues.
" Ok. Well, you can mop while we use the potty in the ladies room or you can mop her pee right here off of this floor. Your choice. She's three and can't hold it."
He let us in.
I never manage a quip. I stutter and leave. This was awesome and quite a first for me.
October 21, 2007
We rode the safari train, watched the pumpkin cannons, rode the ponies, pet and scared the crap out of ALL the innocent animals in the petting zoo ( Kael has NO fear! he was SO excited about the goats.. screaming GOAT GOAT GOAT and running up to them to "pat" (hit) with enthusiasm.. then he'd crouch down and try his damnedest to make eye contact with the wee little pony.. gawd that kid is cute.) , walked the plank on the pirate ship, and goofed off on the pumpkins.
Of course, Kael found some random obscure chair and decided that is the coolest thing in the area so sat there forever while we played around him.
Yes, horrible picture. But it's the only one I got of him with the animals as the rest of that visit was spent trying to get his fingers out of their eyes or stop him from yanking on their ears or poking them in the butt ( the pigs... apparently their butts are fascinating).
Raegan on the pony. All by herself! I so have to find me a pony to put her on all the time! She was a good little rider.
It took some convincing but Raegan finally, happily "walked the plank" and was tossed down by her daddy. This pic is actually of the THIRD time she demanded to be tossed down!
We spent a few minutes in our costumes.. Here's a sneak peak at what Halloween has in store! Kael is either a very cunning hunter ( the draft horses LOVED it and kept trying to eat his feet) or.. cooked cabbage? Seaweed? The creature from the black lagoon? Only time will tell......
A tiny peek at one of Raegans tu-tu's. It was pretty windy and cold so none of the costumes performed up to expectations, but the kids had fun so who cares how it came out on film!