September 13, 2007

A Wee Little Big'un

Raegan is growing up. She has taken to sleeping on the floor lately; she's just too wiggly to stay on that little toddler bed. Well that just wasn't right, so.......

We decided we might as well actually "move in" and went out & got her a bed. A real bed. An adult size bed. A TWIN bed! Yes, our means of transport is definitely lacking a wee bit of class... you should have seen me driving down the highway with that mattress strapped to the roof! The little thing is all flapping in the breeze, the only thing holding it onto the car is a bit of twine and sheer pig-headed determination. About a mile from the house the knot I "expertly" tied came apart somehow, so literally the only thing keeping it on the car was will. And my "big guns" ( thanks Kael!). Thank god we drive an automatic. I steered with one hand and grasped that crappy hairy string for all I was worth with the other.

But it was worth it.

Look at that little tiny peanut of a girl in the middle of that BIG bed!!! It was such a moment. She really is growing up. It makes me both happy and sad at the same time. I got up at 4 this morning and crawled into bed with her.. I miss my baby girl so much some times.

And some times I want to throw stuffed things at her head, so she is welcome to my wee moments of sentimentality.

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