September 16, 2007



Says with frequency and meaning:

Shoe ( while trying to put them on, either my feet or his. I can tell him to go get his shoe or put back his shoe and he does so. )

Pizza ( he knows what the Totinos box looks like, what it means, and where he gets to sit to eat it)

Please ( although he seems to think this means "feed me a cookie"... and i guess so far he's right.)

Bath ( tell him it's bath time, he lights up, says "BATH!!!" and streaks up the stairs. will hop into the tub if he beats me there. )

Apple & Banana ( obviously)

Popsicle ( knows it on sight, asks for it during bath time. )

Night-Night ( says it, knows what it means, waves bye to daddy and/or sister, and goes to his room, attempts to climb in his bed.)

Bottle "Ba Bah" ( requests often)

Will also flop down and hold still when I tell him he needs a new diaper, has on occasion brought me the new diaper and wipes in request.


Has drawn what she assures me is Spongebob. Complete with shoe.

Tucks her bear into it's own bed, complete with princess pillow and her white boo-ie tucked snug around it's body.

Will only go to sleep with the big light on.

Tells me to be "careful, Kael's owie!" when I'm washing his face.

Initiates tickle fights with her brother.

Knows the letter "O", "S", and "A" on sight, as well as their smaller versions ( the DADDY letter and the BABY letter, they are all in the FAMILY. "Raegan, what letter is this?" T, she says, then she'll ask "where's it's family? where's the (daddy/baby) letter? SO cute.

Also, as a family we have decide, with no hesitation, that we do NOT like Eggplant. Not even a wee little bit. It is just strangely... foamy. And somehwat slimy. And really, without much of a flavor of it's own. Which leads me to announcing that we have had, on several occasions, PB&J for dinner.. when Mama attempts new dishes.


Life Is Good said...

They are growing so fast! Fun stuff this learning thing!

Yes, eggplant is a funny thing and very picky on preparation. I only like it two ways and even if not done right those two ways can be horrible~ It is a very strange thing! My family and I love it...when it is prepared right-only two ways though!

Yay for you on trying new things! Even if a couple bomb...there is usually some hits too!

The Writer said...

See?!? I told you that your kids are smart and not just evil like we originally thought! ;D

I'm not fond of eggplant myself. I like sweet potatos much better! I am glad you are trying some new foods out, that's the only way to do it!

Life Is Good said...

SO...anything new beside your distaste for eggplant?