April 05, 2007

Tricks and Teases for your Bits and Pieces

Well ladies, it's that time of year again. Time to throw modesty to the wind and parade your parts for all to see. Wobbily and dangly though they may be. Yep, it's SPRING! and Bikini Season is on us!
In celebration of this most vulgar of all seasons, I have a few tips and tricks to keep the naughty bits a scotch more appealing. After all, I ( as well as any other water lovin' desert dweller) will probably be seeing them at some point this season. Today's lesson is on the basics. The fundamentals. The area that makes this season what it is.

The bikini area.


Now that that is behind us, lets move on. Shaving protocol:
USE a shaving foam or, better, baby oil to tackle this foresty tangle of follicles.
Shave WITH the grain.
When finished with your bathing routine, after drying off but BEFORE putting on any type of moisturizer, dig in the back of your vanity drawer and pull out your deodorant. I prefer to keep a separate stick for this purpose, and I prefer a gel.
NOW, apply your deodorant of choice to said freshly-shaved bikini area. Yep, you heard me. Pu-Nani Deodorant. Why? For some reason the deodorant completely stops any and all ingrown hairs, shaving bumps, or other unsightly mess that may be visible on the outside of your (i'm sure) uber-flattering swimming costume.
Follow with your moisturizer of choice, then get dressed.
I'll admit, when I heard this bit of advice I poo-poo'd the whole idea. Deodorant? On my Girly Parts? You MUST be joking.

Then I tried it.

I shaved every day for 2 weeks, with the SAME razor. I slapped some Ladies Mitchum Gel ( Gotta LOVE that Mitchum!) on after each shave and I gotta say, I have NEVER, EVER, in the whole of my EXISTENCE, had a softer, more natural, hair and bump free crotch.

Just so you know.

SO, your first tip to surviving the upcoming mostly-nekkid-but-apparently-that's-ok season is to deodorize.

Try it. I think you'll be surprised!


alyca said...

Ooh....gotta try this. I hate those pesky ingrown/bumps!

But.....you just cannot get as close a shave going with the grain, Gotta go both ways!

Sabrina said...

While I agree that against-the-grain grooming does yeald a much closer shave and therfore a smoother shaved area, it also drastically increases your risk for the aformentioned uglies... so I'd say at most go cross with the grain, or only go against on parts you want super smoothe but that may be permitted to have the occasional bump, etc.. like the area *ahem* UNDER your bathing dress. For my visable areas I prefer to LOOK smooth. For my visible-only-to-my-husband areas I aim for feel smoothe shaving practices, ~ie~ agianst the grain.

Sabrina said...

Wow, and it's "yield". sheesh. no spell check.

The Writer said...

I'm going to have mercy on all of you this summer and just not swim.

You're welcome.

The Writer said...

By the way, GOOD post! I like it, funny, witty, smart, informative. I love it when you dig deep!

Not sure how I feel about you thinking about our collective coochies.

Pixie said...

Well, it was certainly more info than I was expecting to read today, but very informative, nonetheless (is that all one word?). Never knew the whole deodorant trick, thanks for the tip...Enjoy the swim season. I think I'll be a little conservative this season (with the baby belly and all)!

Amber said...

Very interesting.... I will have to try it although the thought of putting deodarant on there really isn't that appealing but everythings worth a shot to try and get the smooth shave! I've always resorted to using Asa's electric shaver to try and avoid ingrown hairs all together!

Life Is Good said...

You are silly!

Thanks for the useful info..will try it!

Hmmm... have to wonder Amber...does Asa know you are using his shaver on your "parts"?

Amber said...

Mama Beans~
Tried it and it looks good so far ;-) Although it was a little awkward at first to be deoderant on there!

Life is Good~

Yep Asa is well aware that I use it down there! Suprisingly he doesn't seem to have an opinion on the topic as he's never told me anything!