We had a BLAST at Great Wolf Lodge! The room! The entertainment! The water! The squealing kids and happy faces! The Crispy Creme!!
Highlights include a visit with TyLeigh and Lilly for dinner and a day spent with Alyca and Ethan at the water park.
Raegan, of course, fell flat on her face ten minutes after donning her swim suit so sported a beautiful puffy forehead the whole trip, but it sure didn't slow her down! The only down side is the crazy expensive food at the resort, which was easily remedied by trips to local restaurants and the packing of our own snacks.
We'll definately be going back next year, but probably for just one night instead of two. It was a BLAST, but I think stretching it out to three days of water fun was only as fun as it was this time because we got to share our last day there with the Amersons. Next year it's arriving early and staying one night, checking out super late.
I was shocked at how well the kids handled the 5.5 hour drive, they were PERFECT. Just another reminder of why I'm so thrilled we've stopped at two children; I LOVE that they are old enough now to do family things with that don't include giant hassle! The video is every picture I took, and a giant hand full of those that Alyca took. Mine are all unedited, so be prepared, lol!! We purchased a cheapo 35mm camera in a waterproof case for the visit, which turned out to be a giant dud. Not only did 75% of the photos just plain not turn out, but processing all those pics cost a pretty penny. Alyca had a fancy special zip-lock bag for her digital camera that we are absolutely going to copy her on getting, she got the best pictures and videos!!
I've got to say, again, that we had SO much fun sharing our kids with their Aunt and Uncle! It really made for a super happy last day there, the kids got to show off all the rides and their skills, Matt and I actually got to go on a few slides with each other, and we got to have a blast watching the Amersons play with our kids, who LOVED the extra attention! Yah, Kael got a bit cranky and exhausted towards the end, there.. but it was totally earned! He fell asleep half an hour after we started our drive home, and we woke him up just outside of Madras in the hopes that *some* awake time would allow him to fall asleep again when we finally got home.. no go on that one. We got home just after 8 and it was nearly 11 before he finally went to sleep.
All in all, it was a giant success!

First, your banner kills me. weeeeee!
Second. I'm so glad the Merritt's had a fun family vacation! I want a turn on the tube! And I've GOT to get my hands on Lilly.
Oh--that is a great underwater pic of the two of them!
I didn't edit any of my pics, either. Coloring is a bit wanky, too, but the kids are still cute.
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