November 06, 2006

Random Moment

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The Writer said...

That's flippin' funny! He's showing that typical open-mouthed fascination that is so common in the males of our species.

My brothers make that same face during televised sporting events.

Life Is Good said...

It's not just sporting events.

It's television.

Lowa said...


I have similar footage of my son at that age, doing the same thing. TOO CUTE! Actually, they look pretty similar, it is kinda weird! LOL If you want to see what Kael may look like in about 11 years, check out my blog. There is a recent photo of "Jock" on Hallowe'en night. He is the only one of my kids with no costume on, in a red shirt. Hard to tell, his hair is long and in his face. But trust me, the kid is good looking. He already has girls after him big time, at 11 years old.

Anyway, thanks for sharing, this is CUTE! I will comment on my older son's skin and answer your question in the comment of another of your posts, is that alright?? Sorry it has taken me so long!