It's 2 am and my alarm has gone off. Out of bed after my 1.5 hour nap and OFF to BestBuy for some screaming deals! I arrived there at 2:45 after stopping for some coffee.. silly me, I thought I'd be plenty early! WRONG! By the time I got there the line outside had wrapped all the way around the BestBuy building and was partially around the BedBath & Bayond next door! Some of those people had been there since 10 the night before and were all set up with tents, propane heaters and sleeping bags. There were around 150 people in front of me in line. So, I stood there huddled in the morning cold with my hot coffee and the conversation of hundreds of other fools. Jason arrived around 4 to keep me company which was GREAT! Alas, there were only 100 of the computers I'd come to claim ($189 full desktop packages) so by the time I arrived in the store at around 5:15 they were all gone. I did leave there with a few deals though! Some Christmas gifts and a BlueTooth ear piece for myself. Even though I didn't get the deal I'd come to claim it was kind of fun all the same, in an insane freeze-your-bits-off kind of way. Next year I'm seriously considering coming up with some way to make gallons of hot coffee and hotdogs to sell to those waiting in line... I'd make a KILLING! Frozed tired people will pay a fortune for caffine and snacks when they're stuck in line! Something to mull over, anyway.