And then I saw THEM.
I'm just turning the corner on the block and there I see, all the way over on the opposite end of the street.. the corner of a Little Tykes play structure.
I Ran.
You should have seen this fat boddy waddling faster then the speed of light, pushing my wee child in our stroller ( yes, she did yell WEEEEEEE! and put her hands in the air ), knocking pedestrians out of the way... .OK, well that last part may be a bit of an exageration, but you get the point. Much fast movement happening, much gawking from the neighbors ( what is she DOING??)
I get there and what do I find? Not one, but TWO Little Tykes play structures for sale, still available, and with the STEAL OF THE CENTURY price of only $20 and $15 ( I ended up paying $10) taped boldly on them.
I stood there, mouth agape, and finally managed to pull myself together enough to announce loudly to the crowd of housewives and children climbing out of their vans, "MINE".
Now that part is true.
A quick phone call to Steve and his mighty Diesel has me the proud owner of some of the coolest outside play toys EVER. I cleaned that man out.

Oh Yeah, Look at that LOOT! Raegan is in HEAVEN!

Wow, you really made out!!!
GREAT DEALS! That Little Tykes stuff lasts forever.
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