Well, I went in for my 17 week checkup.... it was supposed to be a 15 week checkup but I forgot the first week and there was a power outage the next week.... so it became a 17 week one.
Baby Bean is doing great! Heartrate was right at 154. The little turd didn't want to hold still while I was there so we had to chase him around with the doppler to get a good reading.
Last night Matt and I lounged on the floor and felt for the first time an aerobic moment. Matt couldn't feel Rae till 18 weeks, so was surprised at how definate the "bumps" were this time. I was surprised to feel them at all ( on the outside) since there is so much more "padding" there then before. Maybe the roomier accomidations make for a heftier bambino?
I have gained a total of 9 pounds so far, which is better then I did with Raegan at this point ( funny how I am so much "fatter" this time though...). I am measuring a week ahead, which was expected. My due date is based on LMP, but we know that it is off by around 4 days.
I have set the appointment for my Level 2 Ultrasound.. hopefully this one is more cooperative then Raegan was and we can find out on the first visit! If not, I'll be paying out-of-pocket for another one. On, the price you pay for impatience......
I have the worlds ugliest cold. My head is full of fluids, most of which end up coming out of my nose. Not fun at all. Add to that Raegan finally getting some top teeth in and therefore not sleeping much, and you get quite the grumpy, frumpy mom. Yes, I haven't bathed. What's the point when I'll just be covered in mucus 10 minutes later... Mine or Raegans.
Girl, you know I feel for you. Especially now that I have the same cold, and not the usual one kid sleeping in Corbin's room, but three. That gives me a 4 year old, a almost 5 year old and an 8 year old. I'm tired (but wired) and I just know that it's gonna be ugly tomorrow! Hope you get some great sleep!!!!
Oh and by the way, get better soon so I can let your bean smack my hand out of the park!!!!
Oh no! Feel better soon. It must be tough not to be able to take those most-excellent drugs and just knock yourself out until the cold is gone (that's what I do.) But you can't take anything, right? (I don't really know, I'm just guessing.)
Poor girlie. Sending you good wishes.
This cold is a doozie.. I called my doc and he OK'd a small dose of Tylenol Sinus to help... which it has. I held out for my last pregnancy and didn't take anything.. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip... but I never got this sick then either.
HEY!!! I have not seen an update in eons!! And no baby pictures/toddler pictures, NOTHING. Since the 6th. It is the 13th now, and I am really gonna get irritated if I have to wait much longer. I have an excuse--I am moving, working, getting carpet crap done. Put her down for a nap and get going!! Take a picture of your latest scrapbook art (I know you have some). Put a belly picture up. SOMETHING!!!!! I am almost to the point where I won't check any more, since there is nothing ever there, but I still find myself checking dozens of times a day when I am home. Come on!!!!!
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