October 30, 2005

A Second Thought On Halloween

I’m not totally convinced that trick or treating is such a wholesome building block for a stable society. You put on a mask, you knock on a door, neighbor opens said door and is “scared”, you shout your demands at the top of your hyperactive, sugar stimulated voice, and they hand over the goodies. Then you run away. Aren’t we just role playing generations of armed robbers? Of course, this won't stop me next year when Raegan is old enough to do said goodie collecting.... I just needed to find a reason why we didn't do it THIS year...

1 comment:

The Writer said...

What's wrong with, "she's too young" or "too far past her bedtime" or "I'm too lazy to engage in the hassle or freeze my butt off just so she can snatch a handful of candy I'm sure I'll end up eating anyway"? These are all viable reasons not to trick-or-treat.