July 27, 2005


Today Matt got a job offer from T-Mobile.
The beginning of a dream career, T-Mobile has a huge IT department that pays it's employees a career salery. He will be starting out in Customer Service, and as he gets his certificates and degree, he will be Movin' On Up.
He will have a family friendly schedlue to start out, 8 to 5 tuesday through saturday, so he will be seeing Raegan more! He will be taking at least one class next term online, hopefully two, and one evening class, tuesday and thursday. Plus, T-Mobile has a tuition reimbursement program, so some of our financial woes will be lessened. Also, for less then the price we pay for medical insurance for justRaegan, Matt can insure the entire family with (90%+)Medical, Dental and Vision coverage. Add to that a cell phone plan for two with unlimited minutes and only $9 a month, we are on the road to success! ( this serves as an early warning that we will be shutting down the home phone within the next 2 weeks and switching to the much cheaper cell phone) Plus, T-Mobile is only 3 miles from our house, so we'll save on gas money. This all makes up for the fact that his starting wage is $1 less then he currently earns.. However at your 90 day review, the average raise is $1, so not a big deal. AND, working there he will come into contact with many others needing occasional child care, so I may be able to up my earnings a bit because of this move as well!
The downside... strich schedule for work means much more difficult to go to school. Strict 5 day work week means little to no travel/vacations for us ( although he will go to 4 - 10's or 3.5 12's as soon as possible) and limited overtime is allowed.
Overall, a YEAH moment.


Davinie Fiero said...

Can you hear the whoop from my house? I am so proud of you guys. Despite the naysayers, the move down here was a success. May this be the beginning of great things for the Merritt family. Now you will be able to afford the rent at my house! :)

Davinie Fiero said...

P.S. I expect to see a father's day scrap page on this blog posthaste. You have a scanner now! Or, is it like a fax and won't work on lumpy stuff? Hm, if that's the case, I'll have to come over and take a picture of it myself, as I have my digital camera back....

Davinie Fiero said...

Oh, and does T-Mobile offer a cell phone plan for friends and family of the employee????????????????
That would be nice.

Sabrina said...

Scnanner won't work on lumpy stuff.. I am hoping to scrap this evening.. those pictures are CALLING me!
I'll have Matt check on that friends and family phone stuff posthaste..

alyca said...