February 06, 2009

Two Minutes Ago

Raegan: Mom! I'm a big girl and I'm helping! I changed Kael's diaper!

me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further investigation found that she had indeed changed a super poopy diaper. Wiped and everything. New diaper applied. YAY for being helpful, and little heeby jeeby !!!! for the whole body sanctity/age weirdness. "Personal areas" were re established, praise offered with further advice to please, leave her brothers bottom alone.


Pixie said...

Wow, she's pretty impressive. Although that must have been fun to explain the boundaries to them again!

Pixie said...

Thanks for the comment...I love my new hair. Actually the bangs aren't any more work than my hair used to be...That was part of the deal--Low Maintenance hair!