It was a special, fancy day here in the Merritt household. Today, we were taking us a mini-vacation. The destination? Only the newest, fanciest, funnest place in Redmond EVER!!!!!
The "wildlife" exhibit left much to be desired, but the children did seem to enjoy the exotic fish display.
"Natures Bounty" was a fun area to explore. Raegan sniffed and smelled just about every flower!

"The World Of Rubber" was an odd exhibit, but they kids sure had a fun time playing in the play area!

Look! We even managed to spend some time in the legendary "Land of Hangers"
And the seasonal display was a favorite of all.
As was the wondrous "Rainbow of Towels" walk through.
Funny that you post this cuz in about 3 hours I am making my own trek out to the other side to visit the new Walmart with my mom! Asa just doesn't get why I would travel all the way out there just to check out the new walmart! But I am after all a girl who loves to shop so that's good enough reason for me!
Oh gosh, I hope people can read the sarcasm into my writing!! We were bored to tears. Decided to make a good Redneck Vay-Kay-Shun out of it!
Hey, make every day a holiday!!
I can totally see the four of you toting the camera around and doing these goofy poses. Did they call the cops on you??
I too went and experienced the new WalMart.
I don't care if it is "redneck" or not...I loved it!
They had some screamin deals and it is a nice store.
HOWEVER...I just ho hum shopped you however made an event out of it! People must have thought you were nuts! I love it!
You have a great creative mind and an awesome sense of humor!
You're awesome!
Great pics!
Alyca: t he cops weren't called, but the trill of snickers followed us all around the store. I even actually heard the term "country bumpkin" referenced once. I'm sure we looked absolutely rediculious. Ah, the things I'm willing to endure for an interesting Blog post....
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