August 23, 2007

Beaming and Glowing With

My sweet daughter Raegan. Hyper just like you're mom, stubborn like..... OK well like your Mom, again. Driven. Picky. My challenging sweet girl, Raegan. I had almost given up. Coloring? Scribbling! In the lines? WHAT lines??!! You want me to make WHAT shape? Draw what? Hell NO!! SCRIBBLING!!!!

But today.

Today, something changed. I got out the crayons, like I always do. I got out the paper, like I always do. I drew a letter "A" in the corner of your page then sat down and started filling out my OWN paper with letter "A's"

"Up, Down, and a line in the middle! Up, Down, and a line in the middle!"

Like I always do.

But today. Today, you sweet, infuriating, challenging, strong willed bit of sunshine. Today you looked over at my paper, chose a crayon that matched mine out of the box.

And drew me the letter A.

"Up, Down, and a line in the middle." You muttered under your breath.

I am so proud of you, Raegan.

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Kate said...

Wow! Go Raegan! What a clever girl :-) I'd be proud too!

Anonymous said...

look at that smug grin!
She knew how all along!
She just was waiting for the right moment to let you know!!
why am I NOT surprised?

Love Grambon!

Life Is Good said...

That's awesome!