January 30, 2007

Moving: Risky Business

Well, we're all moved. Ugh. And again, Ugh. What a fiasco! Out of all our moves, this one was by far the hardest, and that's saying something. Having two small children and taking on a move has been the most stressful thing I have ever done. Lucky for me, Mom came down and helped... tremendously! She'd take the kids on a walk around the neighborhood and I'd unpack. She'd play dress-up with Rae and I'd unpack. She'd tickle, giggle, and play. I'd unpack. From late night truck trips to early morning "where'd it go's", I'd unpack. Finally now, almost a week later, most things are put away, most things are stored. I still have some to go, what with all the odds and ends that end up packed last; those few things that you keep but never really had a home for, those few things that you should probably just throw away but don't. It's those things that are left.

Kael took the move like a champ. He had a hard time sleeping the first few nights but he's getting better. Raegan, not so much. This move has been hard on her, the chaos has been hard on her. The mess and new surroundings have been hard on her. She shows this by being extra extra clingy, needy, mama-hold-you-y. She is acting out quite a bit now too. .throwing things at her brother, hitting, kicking, etc. In an attempt to get away from me after hitting her brother in the face she tripped and ran forehead first into a corner. The goose-egg on her forehead is HUGE but the bruising is minimal. I felt horrible, of course. She is just confused and feeling insecure in her new surroundings. She wants to be held ALL THE TIME. She cries all the time. To comfort her, I stop what I'm doing and hold her; a double edged sword as she might be getting comfort now, but that means I'm not dealing with the mess and chaos that are causing her the stress in the first place. I am hopeful she'll adjust sooner rather then later and we can continue on with our lives as usual.

This new house is just 2 blocks away from some great shopping areas; a Rays Food Place, a Safeway's, Blockbuster, pizza places, coffee shops, etc. Every day, following in Moms established routine, the kids and I go for a walk. We stop each day and pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try at the store. Raegan is LOVING these walks. She gets to be out in the fresh air, sees all the cars driving around, sees the birds and dozens of cats wandering the neighborhood. Kael usually falls fast asleep within minutes of stepping out the door. It's good for all of us to have this daily errand. Such good exercise! Now I just need to trade my double umbrella stroller for a nice double jogger and we'll be set!

So there's the short update. It has been hell, and I am not looking forward to doing it again as we inevitably must.

But I know, This too shall pass. There is a small measure of comfort in knowing that however hard things might be, however stressful, you are doing what is right for your family. This little house is just one small stepping stone on our path to our "forever home", our comfortable life. Just one step on a path that now seems further behind us than in front.

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Daddy's Boy

He's taken to crawling over to me, pulling himself into a stand, and........ helping himself. He's not nursing, just resting his face. What a silly boy!
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Packing, Packing, Packing.

Bay far the best use for a packing tote.
Mirror Mirror, on the floor.
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Happy Birthday Par-Tay!

In the midst of our moving out saga the lovely Morgan turned 3! Her party was a blast! Raegan had such fun with the toot toy and Kael was quite content being held by his Grammie. A great break from all the packing headache!

January 08, 2007

"I'm a STALLION, Baby!"

"Trot, trottin' in place! Trot, trottin' in place!"

I'm now the proud "owner" of a Sports Car! Totally impractical, NOT family friendly, but OH SO FUN to DRIVE! And I got to be there for the whole Purchase! Was very nifty and educational! YAY!

January 01, 2007

Christmas in a Snap Shot

I had this whole big long rambling post on how our Christmas went, something to the tune of the 12 hours of Christmas complete with 5 Golden Showers ( thanks Kael) 4 potties on the pot-pot, 3 hour naps, 2 bottom teeth, and a pan-fried noodle in the Christmas tree.... but Blogger lost it. Gee, Merry Christmas.

My favorite part........... Christmas morning was fun, it was pretty cool seeing Raegan excited about opening and playing with her presents. The rest of the day was calm and cool, relaxed and PJ-all-day ish. But my favorite part, the part I loved the most, was when we decided to continue our tradition of Chinese food for Christmas dinner........ and BOTh kids fell asleep in the car on the way back. And stayed that way for 3 hours. Matt and I had a nice quiet Christmas diner of MooGooGuyPan and fried rice with crab rangoons and paper wrapped chicken with a side of pan-fried noodles.... yum, it was the works. We sat on the floor in front of the fire place and ate off of the coffee table, sipping on Smirnoff beers and talking, laughing, and finally falling over stuffed cuddling on the floor till Raegan woke up on the couch in the other room.

It felt like a romantic date. That was my favorite part... sorry kids!

Happy New Year and... bla bla bla.

Hope everyone has a happy 2007 full of puppies and rainbows and butterfly kisses and all that crap. Hope no one is too hung over to post today, as I had a mundane night with the babs and although I WAS up at midnight ( and 2 and 4:30) alas it was NOT celebrating anything other then (hopefully) another few hours of sleep. So I could use some good reading material.

Perhaps next year for some drunkin' debauchery with y'all...........