One family, many adventures that the outfit I bought him?!?! The 12 month one with the way cool tie??
Yah......the neck was too small so he only wore the tie for a few minutes. that's why the cuffs aren't buttoned either. Big brute....
You guys look really nice in these. I never think about getting family pictures taken. I'm always too distracted by decorating and x-mas cards. I love Kael's outfit and Raegan's dress is gorgeous.
Yes, but with pictures this cute you don't have to say a thing!
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4 comments: that the outfit I bought him?!?! The 12 month one with the way cool tie??
Yah......the neck was too small so he only wore the tie for a few minutes. that's why the cuffs aren't buttoned either. Big brute....
You guys look really nice in these. I never think about getting family pictures taken. I'm always too distracted by decorating and x-mas cards. I love Kael's outfit and Raegan's dress is gorgeous.
Yes, but with pictures this cute you don't have to say a thing!
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