October 24, 2006

Direct Deposit

20 minutes into nap time I hear it. Giggles. I go into her room to see Rae sitting on her bed surrounded by all of her books.

"Ni-Night time, Raegan, time to go to bed!"

"Poo Pot-Pot?" she replies. I know this ploy. This is the I-don't-want-to-go-to-sleep-so-here's-my-diversion tactic.

"Ugh, OK, lets go poo pot-pot." and I lead her into the bathroom. I sit her on the potty and hand her a book, going back into her room to put all the rest of her books away.

A few minutes later I go back into the bathroom to get her down and get a diaper on her. Ploy and deversion over.

But! But!

As I get her off the potty I see it..........

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have DIRECT DEPOSIT!!!!!!!

And no, not a tiny deposit. Big, one-a-day kind of deposit!

Not an accident, not a lucky catch, we have INTENTIONAL direct deposit of #2 into the POT POT!!!!!

Big step forward for us.

Had to share.

I think I'm gonna put her in panties the rest of the day and put a pot-pot in her bedroom so she can sit on it during nap time if she needs to.


Davinie Fiero said...

Not sure what I think about the pot pot in the bedroom without adult supervision, but congrats on #2 in the pot pot!

Sabrina said...

OOH, do you think she'll play in it if she does go? I figured if she did go she'd want to show me, call me or something...although you never know. Todays event had no fanfare.. I wasn't sitting there encouraging her to go or anything, and had I flushed before I got her off the potty I would never have known she went!
I'm hoping to have her in panties during the day by Christmas. I won't worry about night pull-ups till she's older.

The Writer said...

That's awesome! Not really digging the idea of a potty in the bedroom, I think it's probably better in the long run to teach her that she needs to be responsible for getting herself into the bathroom to use the toilet herself, all part of being a big girl. Unlike most daddies, who teach the boys that they can always go pee in the yard. That's my grass, dammit.

a mummy losing it said...

Congrats on the pot-pot success. 'tis lovely isn't it?