July 16, 2006

Party Pooper

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Company picnic this Wednesday at 5:45 that Matt wants to go to. I KNEW that, I just forgot.

No coffee for me.

Dang it!!


Life Is Good said...

Let's all look at our Thursday schedules!

The Writer said...

I just want to say.....you suck.

Thursday's good for me!!


Sabrina said...

Both tuesday and thursday are wide open for me, too...when is good for "T"? J, still hosting? When is good for you? I SO look forward to coffee visits, THANK YOU so much for considering moving meeting time for me!!

Life Is Good said...

Tuesday is no good for me.

Check out the upcoming weather projections for us this next week at www.weather.com!

It is going to be freaking hot!

Sabrina said...

OK so Thuraday it is... same time, 5:45?